Latest Information
HIMA has implemented extensive measures to ensure the protection of our customers and our employees during the Corona crisis. Our objective is to minimize the number of direct contacts inside and outside the company premises. We are observing developments closely and we fully support the measures taken by the authorities.
Despite the current restrictions, our ability to continue business activities has top priority allowing us to provide our customers with the best possible support in maintaining their business.
To ensure our availability, we have arranged the following contact options:
HIMA Global Customer Support: +49 6202 / 76 01 632 OR support(at)
Requests to our sales teams: sales(at)
Hotline for customers in China: +86 400 998 1700
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact your designated contact persons. Please also consider the below information and Q&A. Stay healthy and play it safe whenever in doubt!
Protective Measures for Employees and Customers
The safety of our employees and customers matters most to us. HIMA therefore strictly demands hygiene and distancing regulations. We have reduced the number of face-to-face meetings to a minimum. We have taken precautionary measures for customers visiting our sites. Please inform your local contact person in advance to ensure a smooth and above all safe implementation on site.
Service & Maintenance
HIMA’s Service and Support Teams are available to carry out service interventions as long as customers grant us access to their facilities and the current regulations of local authorities allow it. Our staff will be equipped with protective gear. Please contact your local support if you need us!
Training Courses
HIMA is offering a variety of online training courses. In some regions, physical trainings are also being carried out, as long as the regulations of local authorities allow it. Please get in touch with your HIMA contact person for more information.
Delivery capabilities
A special focus is on maintaining production and our ability to deliver. To date, Corona does not affect HIMA’s ability to deliver. Place your order right now!
FATs and SATs
HIMA offers a solution to conduct remote FATs safely and securely – from all locations worldwide. Furthermore, we offer our customers physical factory and site acceptance testing (FAT and SAT) under the regulations of local authorities. We have taken precautionary measures for customers visiting our sites. Please inform your local contact person in advance to ensure a smooth and above all safe implementation on site.
HIMA’s Service and Support Teams are available to carry out service interventions as long as customers grant us access to their facilities and the current regulations of local authorities allow it. Our staff will be equipped with protective gear. Special regulations for travelling to and from risk areas apply. Please contact your local support if you need us!
We have reduced the number of face-to-face meetings to a minimum and switched to digital whenever possible. However, HIMA is open to physical meetings if all regulations of local authorities can be met. Special regulations for travelling to and from risk areas apply. Please let us know if you would like to schedule a physical meeting.
HIMA has taken a variety of measures at all locations worldwide. The most important of them include hygiene regulations and instructions on prudent behavior for all employees. Furthermore, we have reduced the number of face-to-face meetings to a minimum and made arrangements to be largely digital.
A special focus is on maintaining production and our ability to deliver. There are no delivery restrictions. For questions concerning your specific request, please contact your local support.
We are strictly following the current measures and regulations set by the local authorities. HIMA has a detailed action plan, which will be implemented in stages, depending on the crisis extent.
Despite the current restrictions, the continuation of business activities has top priority and we will provide our customers with the best possible support in maintaining their business. To date, Corona has no effects on HIMA’s ability to deliver. The majority of our employees globally can work from home.
HIMA has instructed its employees to stay home and consult a doctor as soon as they have cold symptoms. In case of an infection, the measures of the local authorities will apply. Our business continuity plan also includes backup regulations, so our customers are always on the safe side!