Hero Background
Ready for the Digital Future

Managing Industrial Plants – Safely and Intelligently

We are in the middle of the fourth industrial revolution. Never before have the requirements in the process industry and rail industry changed so rapidly. Those who still rely on the last generation's safety concepts are taking a considerable risk. That's why at HIMA, we think ahead and develop safety solutions for the digital age. Proactive, economical, and as flexible as you are. HIMA's experts support you in operating your industrial plants – not only with maximum safety and reliability, but also intelligently.

We are not simply selling products. We are offering safety in times of increasing uncertainty. Regardless of how your requirements develop: With HIMA you protect your plants and your profitability. Guaranteed."

Peter Sieber, Vice President Norms and Standards, HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH

From Safety to Smart Safety

In the era of Industry 4.0, everything is interconnected. In today's smart factories, equipment communicates with other equipment, machines control themselves, and processes are becoming increasingly agile. However, the more complex industrial plants become, the more rigorous the requirements that are imposed on functional safety. Therefore, safety systems must be just as smart as the production processes of the future. They use big data to control and optimize themselves and make it possible to more effectively utilize plant capacity and operate plants more profitably. Moreover, in the digital age, enterprises must be able to react to changes with greater flexibility. Modular systems are one means to this end. They can be extended and adapted as needed and in accordance with statutory requirements. With the aid of modular systems, you also reduce your time to market significantly.

"We continuously invest in research and development. Many of our products were the first in the world to be certified by TÜV."

Steffen Philipp, Managing Partner, HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH

Intelligent Services

Above all, Smart Safety means you are are not left high and dry once you have signed the contract. We want to support you for the long haul. You can count on the support and expertise of experienced engineers throughout the lifecycle. And if you like, we can be there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and provide on-site support.

Running Plants the Smart Way

Even in the plant planning phase, we pay attention to sustainable concepts. Such concepts not only protect you from process errors and plant errors; they also protect you against cyberattacks. Particularly in the case of networked industrial plants, attacks that target the safety system can result in incalculable risks. As a result, cybersecurity is a key component in the architecture of HIMA's products and solutions. Smart Safety means you can operate your plants more safely – even at their limits. In other words, you can keep going in situations where your competitors would already be compelled to shut down. Moreover, your safety systems can also be more easily certified – and always comply with all legal requirements.

Your HIMA Contact

HIMA Headquarters
+49 (0) 6202 709 0

Do you have questions concerning HIMA solutions or services? Our sales experts would be pleased to respond to your email or your call.

More TÜV-certified safety specialists than any other manufacturer.