There is hardly any industry that must comply with such strict safety standards as the rail industry. At the same time, budgets are tight - thus every solution must be extremely cost efficient. We at HIMA have developed open safety controllers that any system integrator can integrate into their own safety solution. For end-customers and integrators this means you make yourself independent of other providers. Additionally, this will save you considerable costs, as all HIMA controllers are commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) that can be easily installed and quickly supplied with spare parts. As delivered from the factory, the HIMatrix and HIMax comply with the strict SIL 4 standard in accordance with CENELEC. And they do it with a single controller and I/O unit. This is unique in the industry.
The Right Track Guaranteed
Why You Should Choose HIMA
The pressure of costs in the rail industry continues to increase. Clever, economic safety systems are more important than ever.
Complete IndependenceHIMA safety controllers allow you to incorporate solutions from system integrators. You are not tied to a single vendor.
Flexible ApplicationHIMA safety controllers can be used for all safety-related applications in the rail industry.
Open SystemSystem integrators and end customers can configure and use the HIMA controllers as they wish. They always maintain complete control.
Certified SafetyAll safety requirements of SIL 4 are met in accordance with CENELEC.
"At HIMA the evident level of experience with safety systems, the quality of the products, and the will to certify them in accordance with SIL 4 as stipulated by CENELEC, convinced us."
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Do you have questions concerning HIMA solutions or services? Our sales experts would be pleased to respond to your email or your call.