Hero Background

HIPPS Solutions: Reliable, Flexible Pressure Protection

In light of increasingly strict environmental regulations, it is important to minimize emissions wherever possible. High-integrity pressure protection systems (HIPPS) prevent over-pressurization of pipelines by shutting off the source of high pressure. In contrast to conventional relief systems, HIPPS solutions contain excess fluids or gasses in the system instead of releasing them. This increases safety, reduces losses, and prevents emissions, ensuring your plant complies with regulations.


Why Choose HIPPS Solutions by HIMA?

We never use standard off-the-shelf solutions for HIPPS – all our solutions are adapted and customized to your installation and its specific requirements. This ensures that you achieve maximum plant safety and comply with the regional and international standards relevant to your industry. Moreover, our HIPPS solutions are highly flexible – whether you choose to operate them as standalone technology or integrate them into your control system. Explore our range of integration solutions.


From sensors to logic solvers to actuators, HIMA offers you everything you need for a complete HIPPS solution. Choose from four different HIMA safety systems that best suit your requirements, including Planar4 – the world’s only SIL 4 system for maximum safety. HIMA HIPPS solutions also include interlocking manifolds to achieve positive isolation without compromising safety when performing maintenance or repairs. 

HIMA is a leading expert for HIPPS solutions. Our specialists can provide you with supporting services throughout your project, including functional design specification, SIL verification and certification, site operation and maintenance tasks, and a wide range of on-site tests. This ensures maximum safety across all phases of the safety lifecycle. In addition, you can train and certify your employees in HIMA seminars.

With over 50 years’ experience in industrial safety, HIMA has established itself as a market leader. We have successfully completed many HIPPS projects for customers around the world: ranging from offshore platforms and LNG plants to oil refineries and gas pipelines.

HIPPS References:

  • BP Lan Tay Compression Module project in Vietnam
  • CONOCO Kangiran Gas Treating Plant Phase II in Indonesia
  • ExxonMobil Modification & Upgrade HIPPS A/B and PIS (P) project in the Netherlands
  • HMO Fahud NOCS project in Oman
  • ONGC MUMBAI High Field in India
  • Ormen Lange project in Norway
  • SAUDI ARMACO SFNY Header project in Saudi Arabia
  • South Pars project in Iran
  • STATOIL Osberg D Platform project in Norway
  • TOTAL MOHO NORD project in Congo
  • TOTAL Martin Linge project in Norway 

HIMA collaborates with a number of well-known businesses in the industry to provide tried-and-tested components for HIPPS solutions. This approach not only guarantees that we deliver top-quality products, but also cuts costs for our customers and accelerates the procurement process.

Instrumentation partners: 

ABB, Emerson, Honeywell, Yokogawa

Interlocking manifolds, double block and bleed valves partners:

Astava, SACCAP, Serv-Trayyou

Valve partners:

FCT, Ringo, Samson, Flowserve 

We never use standard off-the-shelf solutions for HIPPS – all our solutions are adapted and customized to your installation and its specific requirements. This ensures that you achieve maximum plant safety and comply with the regional and international standards relevant to your industry. Moreover, our HIPPS solutions are highly flexible – whether you choose to operate them as standalone technology or integrate them into your control system. Explore our range of integration solutions.


From sensors to logic solvers to actuators, HIMA offers you everything you need for a complete HIPPS solution. Choose from four different HIMA safety systems that best suit your requirements, including Planar4 – the world’s only SIL 4 system for maximum safety. HIMA HIPPS solutions also include interlocking manifolds to achieve positive isolation without compromising safety when performing maintenance or repairs. 

HIMA is a leading expert for HIPPS solutions. Our specialists can provide you with supporting services throughout your project, including functional design specification, SIL verification and certification, site operation and maintenance tasks, and a wide range of on-site tests. This ensures maximum safety across all phases of the safety lifecycle. In addition, you can train and certify your employees in HIMA seminars.

With over 50 years’ experience in industrial safety, HIMA has established itself as a market leader. We have successfully completed many HIPPS projects for customers around the world: ranging from offshore platforms and LNG plants to oil refineries and gas pipelines.

HIPPS References:

  • BP Lan Tay Compression Module project in Vietnam
  • CONOCO Kangiran Gas Treating Plant Phase II in Indonesia
  • ExxonMobil Modification & Upgrade HIPPS A/B and PIS (P) project in the Netherlands
  • HMO Fahud NOCS project in Oman
  • ONGC MUMBAI High Field in India
  • Ormen Lange project in Norway
  • SAUDI ARMACO SFNY Header project in Saudi Arabia
  • South Pars project in Iran
  • STATOIL Osberg D Platform project in Norway
  • TOTAL MOHO NORD project in Congo
  • TOTAL Martin Linge project in Norway 

HIMA collaborates with a number of well-known businesses in the industry to provide tried-and-tested components for HIPPS solutions. This approach not only guarantees that we deliver top-quality products, but also cuts costs for our customers and accelerates the procurement process.

Instrumentation partners: 

ABB, Emerson, Honeywell, Yokogawa

Interlocking manifolds, double block and bleed valves partners:

Astava, SACCAP, Serv-Trayyou

Valve partners:

FCT, Ringo, Samson, Flowserve 


How You Benefit from HIPPS Solutions by HIMA

  • HIMA_Zertifiziert
    Maximum Safety
    Our solutions are certified up to SIL 4, helping you fulfil demanding safety requirements.
  • HIMA_Offen
    Customized Configuration
    All our HIPPS solutions are tailored to our customers’ requirements and industry.
  • HIMA_Ansprechpartner
    Extensive Expertise
    Our safety engineers work closely with you and offer personalized consulting, training, and knowledge transfer.
  • HIMA_Kosten_einsparen
    Enhanced Efficiency
    Reduced costs and environmental impact in comparison with conventional relief systems.
  • HIMA_Integriert
    Flexible Integration
    HIMA solutions can be deployed in diverse industries and easily integrate into any automation environment.
  • HIMA_Flexibel
    End-to-End Approach
    We support you throughout the safety lifecycle.

"At the end of every HIPPS project, we transfer knowledge to our customer. We design a personalized training plan for the plant operator, ensuring their facilities remain safe after the project.”

Michael Lépolard, Sales Engineer for Core Market and HIPPS Development, HIMA

Your HIMA Contact

HIMA Applications
+49 (0) 6202 709 0

Do you have questions about HIMA solutions or services? Our sales experts look forward to receiving your e-mail or phone call.