HIPPS Solutions: Reliable, Flexible Pressure Protection
In light of increasingly strict environmental regulations, it is important to minimize emissions wherever possible. High-integrity pressure protection systems (HIPPS) prevent over-pressurization of pipelines by shutting off the source of high pressure. In contrast to conventional relief systems, HIPPS solutions contain excess fluids or gasses in the system instead of releasing them. This increases safety, reduces losses, and prevents emissions, ensuring your plant complies with regulations.
Why Choose HIPPS Solutions by HIMA?
How You Benefit from HIPPS Solutions by HIMA
Maximum SafetyOur solutions are certified up to SIL 4, helping you fulfil demanding safety requirements.
Customized ConfigurationAll our HIPPS solutions are tailored to our customers’ requirements and industry.
Extensive ExpertiseOur safety engineers work closely with you and offer personalized consulting, training, and knowledge transfer.
Enhanced EfficiencyReduced costs and environmental impact in comparison with conventional relief systems.
Flexible IntegrationHIMA solutions can be deployed in diverse industries and easily integrate into any automation environment.
End-to-End ApproachWe support you throughout the safety lifecycle.
"At the end of every HIPPS project, we transfer knowledge to our customer. We design a personalized training plan for the plant operator, ensuring their facilities remain safe after the project.”
Your HIMA Contact
Do you have questions about HIMA solutions or services? Our sales experts look forward to receiving your e-mail or phone call.