On-Demand Support for Plant Safety
Sometimes, you just have to be there. Close collaboration, constant communication, and a local presence are extremely important to the success of any safety engineering project. Whether you require assistance with the installation or modification of your safety systems, or are looking for a spare parts supplier you can count on, our experts are there for you. Let us join forces to ensure your plant runs safely, efficiently, and profitably.
As your business needs change, it is highly likely that your plant will, too. Our certified engineers can visit you to discuss your options and make the necessary modifications to your safety system. HIMA on-site engineering services guarantee quick, compliant modification.
When installing a safety system, there is considerable pressure to stick to the commissioning schedule. We can perform site acceptance tests and help you check that all safety functions match the specifications to ensure you get started on time.
Safety is a continuous process – and maintaining your systems is a demanding, but essential, task. We offer a variety of on-site maintenance services to ease your workload while ensuring your systems are always in top condition.
To keep your plant running reliably, you need to expect the unexpected. In the rare event of a failure, our experts have got you covered. Whenever you need us, any time of day and all year round, we are available on site or by phone to quickly diagnose and resolve any faults.
When you need spare parts, you need them quickly. But procuring and storing all vital components can be expensive. We can work together with you to create a list of spare parts and guarantee 24/7 availability upon request.
The average lifetime of an industrial plant is significantly longer than that of a safety automation system. This means that you need to periodically check, enhance, and update your systems. Our experts can perform a full assessment of your existing systems, advise you on your options, and facilitate your migration to the latest technology.
During our customized system assessment we do a comprehensive analysis of your safety systems and give you detailed advice regarding the condition of your systems. You receive a range of recommendations regarding system maintenance, staff qualification, spare part management, and upgrade/migration planning.
“Sometimes, industrial plants need additional performance or flexibility. And when upgrading or optimizing a plant, you will almost always need to modify its safety system. HIMA experts can support you with this task – anytime and anywhere.”
Your HIMA Contact
Do you have questions concerning the HIMA services? Our service experts would be pleased to respond to your email or your call.