PT Len Railway Systems Future-proofs West Java Cikarang-Cikampek Rail With The Highest Safety Standards
The biggest Indonesian provider of railway applications and safety systems, PT Len Industri (Persero), and its subsidiary, PT Len Railway Systems (LRS), have successfully upgraded the signaling and telecommunication system across the Cikarang-Cikampek rail service, at West Java, Indonesia, to conform to current and emerging safety standards.
- Upgrading the Cikarang-Cikampek rail for highest safety standards
- Successful switch-over to new safety systems in just 30 minutes
- Technology makes the difference
- Rail Industry Solutions
- About PT Len Industri (Persero)
In 2016, HIMA signed a significant strategic contract with PT Len Industri to upgrade the safety technology for 25 rail stations in Indonesia at a value of $1.8 million euros, which was HIMA's largest rail contract in Asia Pacific then. PT Len Industri and the rail operators evaluated all available options, and determined that the open source communication architecture used by HIMA equipment was the way to future-proof their investments, and to integrate new HIMA equipment seamlessly with legacy systems and technologies from other vendors.
Upgrading the Cikarang-Cikampek rail for highest safety standards
A step up from this collaboration, PT Len Industri and PT Len Railway Systems replaced the existing interlocking systems at the Cikarang-Cikampek rail to maximum safety and reliability.
The Cikarang-Cikampek rail runs a long-distance train service from both the eastern trip of Java Island and Bandung. The congested traffic can be a challenge for operators as minor issues in signaling systems can escalate to significant impact or even damages. Delays and long queues at the station had happened before when the legacy interlocking system was disrupted, primarily due to memory buffer overflows.
The operator determined that the interlocking system had to be upgraded to ensure overall safety and operating efficiency. The legacy solid state interlocking (SSI) system was replaced with the latest SiLSafe 4000 signaling system provided by PT Len Industri. The new interlocking system is powered by the HIMA HIMax safety system with the high-performance and uninterrupted safety controller. The HIMax solution enables multi-tasking from up to 32 independent applications and is certified in accordance with the Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 4 requirements by CENELEC, the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation, formed from committees of 34 European nations.
Successful switch-over to new safety systems in just 30 minutes
Completed in December 2021, the replacement of the signaling and telecommunication system project was conducted in 8 stations along the Cikarang-Cikampek rail, namely Cikarang, Lemahabang, Kedunggede, Karawang, Klari, Kosambi, Dawuan, and Cikampek, on active and ongoing railway lines. While the construction process took 10 months, the switch-over process was successfully carried out in just 30 minutes.
The switch-over process included the deactivating of the existing SSI signaling system to activating the new SiLSafe 4000 signaling system. With only 30 minutes, integrators had to ensure that sufficient manpower and precise strategies were in place before the switching process. Additionally, the replacement of the existing interlocking system was followed by a change in the operating pattern of the train route. Originally reaching only to the Cikarang station, this replacement further supports the expansion of the operating facilities to reach the Karawang station.

“Cika-cika is a very strategic track because this is the entrance of a long-distance train both from the eastern trip of Java Island and from Bandung.”
Technology makes the difference
In addition, there is also a change from a closed block system to an open block, so that the service capacity is getting bigger. Train detection also changes from track-circuit to axle counter, so the rail cuts are fewer and trains can be more convenient and maintenance costs are also more efficient.
The construction of railway operating facilities (fasop) at Lintas Stasiun Cikarang – Cikampek Station in the form of the implementation of the latest SiLSafe 4000 data system made by Len and its telecommunication devices. Previously, the track used the Solid State Interlocking (SSI) overseas brand's interlocking system.
The existing system is obsoleted and it is currently difficult to get spare parts in case of damage because it has been discontinued. Several interlocking has been disrupted for long time, resulting in disruption of train travel, delays and long train queues.
Interlocking is currently at the maximum point for the development and expansion of operating facilities in the future due to memory capacity limitations.
Maximum Safety and Availability
SiLSafe 4000 Solution achieved 40% local Content by Ministry of Industry Indonesia
User-friendly System, Convenient and Reduce maintenance costs
Modular and scalable system architecture, which is adaptable to the users’ unique requirements
HIMax is developed to manage high frequency, demanding rail operations
Certification with CENELEC and SIL 4 (EN 50126, EN 50128, EN 50129, and EN 50159)
Rail Industry Solutions
With the world's first CENELEC SIL 4-certified programmable safety controller, HIMA has revolutionised the railway industry. The commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products are open safety controllers that ensure end users and integrators independence, flexibility and cost savings, and can be easily integrated and maintained in a wide variety of solutions. As the core element, HIMA systems provide functional safety and IT security in applications such as level crossing, interlocking and rolling stock.
About PT Len Industri (Persero)
PT Len Industri (Persero) is currently under the coordination of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises with 100% share ownership by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. During this time, Len has developed business and products in the field of electronics for industry and infrastructure, and has shown various experiences among others in the fields of Railway Signaling System on various main railway lines in Java and Sumatra, and development of urban transport in big cities such as South Sumatra LRT, Jakarta LRT, Jabodebek LRT and Soekarno Hatta Airport Skytrain Jakarta.
Len was founded in 1965 under the name LEN (National Electrotechnical Institute). Then transformed into a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) in 1991. Since then Len is no longer an extension of the National Electrotechnical Institute (LEN), but has become a professional business entity under the name PT Len Industri (Persero).
“As automation and interconnectivity become prevalent in the rail industry, companies are under increasing pressure to modernise and integrate with the latest technologies. PT Len Industri and PT Len Railway Systems are leaders and innovators who leap away from outdated proprietary technologies and adopt future-proof safety and security systems for rail operators. Their choice of HIMA's HIMax to replace antiquated systems was an excellent decision during this extremely tight schedule and rough operating conditions.”
About HIMax
HIMA’s controller HIMax is at the center of the interlocking systems delivered by Mipro. HIMax is scalable and can be decentralized according to end-users’ operating conditions. All interlocking functions and applications, such as locally operated switches, can be implemented quickly and scaled as demand changes. Hot swapping allows fast replacement of components or modifications while remaining operative. Featuring future-proof COTS technology, HIMax, supported by HIMA’s open engineering tool SILworX, is certified for use up to CENELEC SIL 4 in accordance with EN 50126, EN 50128, EN 50129, and EN 50159.